Frequently Asked Questions

General Q&A's

What is Everyday AR and why does it exist?

Everyday AR serves as a platform to showcase our AR projects, share insights on the evolving landscape of augmented reality, and foster a community intrigued by the transformative potential of AR glasses.

Our vision for Everyday AR is to inspire, educate, and entertain when it comes to hands-free augmented reality (AR glasses). The overly complex tech jargon and misguided hype can make AR seem daunting and inaccessible to many. By simplifying the tech talk and showcasing how AR glasses can fit into our daily routines in practical ways, we aim to build a space where everyone can see the value of AR, not just the tech-savvy folks. Beyond sharing the wonders of AR, we also assist in bringing others' AR visions to life through our services. We believe AR has the potential to enhance our everyday experiences, and we're here to help make that a reality.

Are you available for commissioned projects? How about PR engagements such as podcast guest spots or panel discussions?

Yes, both of these fit the mission of Everyday AR. For hired work, please see the Services FAQ section for more details. On the PR side, we’re keen on participating in podcasts, panel discussions, and other PR activities to share insights and discuss what’s good in augmented reality, especially when it comes to cutting through the hype. Feel free to reach out via the contact form and we can discuss further.

I see you using potentially dangerous tools, like circular saws and jigsaws, while wearing AR glasses. Is this safe?

Safety is a top priority for us. Some of the AR glasses we use, like Microsoft’s HoloLens 2, are ANSI-rated and considered safety glasses, and they are transparent so we can see everything in the physical world around us. While not all the AR glasses we use have the same rating or transparency, we always follow strict safety protocols. This includes performing a standard mental safety checklist—being aware of our surroundings, handling the tools according to their manufacturer guidelines, and ensuring overall safe usage. We appreciate you asking :)

Services Q&A's

Which AR glasses do you build for?

We build for Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens, and other glasses capable of AR/MR/XR, such as Meta’s Quest and Lenovo's ThinkReality A3. While each of these devices and platforms has its own capabilities, they are more alike than different. If you already know which device(s) you are targeting, great. If not, no worries—we’ll work together to decide on the device best suited for your usage.

Do you build AR prototypes or AR projects? What is the difference?

Both, essentially, but with a bit more explanation. Prototypes are a cost-effective way to explore, test, and refine your AR solutions before full-scale production. To build a prototype that does its job effectively, we need to understand what it is attempting to solve and define what a successful solution looks like. This end-to-end process is the AR project. We build AR projects that leverage prototypes as one of the core components.

Do you build AR projects for mobile devices (like smartphones)?

We do not. AR glasses allow for full use of hands and eyes, along with complete immersion, and the skills and process to craft solutions are much different. While our expertise is in AR glasses, we can provide advice on your mobile AR project and introduce you to some very skilled professionals in that sector.

What kind of financial investment is typical for realizing my AR project?

You may be expecting an “it depends” answer, and it does, but we can share past project budgets to help give you an idea. Smaller projects starting around $20,000 have been great for proving an AR concept could work. Larger ones in the $250,000 range have helped validate AR products were ready to be scaled, with one significantly aiding in attracting a major investment round. The budget needed will hinge on the project's complexity and goals, but we’ll discuss it thoroughly so you know what to expect from the get-go.

I want to hire you to build a custom AR solution. What should I expect?

Expect a close-knit collaboration. We are on the same team, and your success is our success. For the project itself, we’ll follow a simple, well-structured process we call U-IPE: Understanding, Ideation, Prototyping, and Evaluation. It really rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

Here’s a breakdown of the four steps:

  • Understanding: Initial discussions to grasp the challenges or opportunities ahead.
  • Ideation: Brainstorming sessions to generate creative solutions and determine what success looks like.
  • Prototyping: Creating functional software for AR glasses to test the ideas.
  • Evaluation: Analyzing outcomes.

This process keeps us on the most productive path while still allowing for creative problem-solving to thrive.

The process begins with an introduction call where we get a chance to meet and discuss at a high level your challenges and opportunities. The next step is a formal discovery call. On this call, we learn more deeply about the unique challenges and opportunities you face. Of those, we identify the specific challenge or opportunity we want to focus our AR attention on.

Once the key details are known, we put together budget options, and estimate scope and timelines. If we still like each other, we say, “I do” and enter into a formal agreement. Then we create a successful happily ever after.

What’s with the structured process? I see you building all kinds of quirky things without a clear problem being solved. Can’t we just build something cool?

Absolutely, exploring cool ideas is thrilling and great for learning. However, it's crucial to align expectations from the start. While AR glasses open up all kinds of creative possibilities, costs can escalate quickly, sometimes leading to more questions than answers. This approach is fantastic if satisfying your curiosity is the goal. On the flip side, if you aim to capitalize on an opportunity or address particular challenges, following a structured process is the efficient path.

Oh, and the quirky things we build? They're a playground for learning and a way to attract folks to the unique services we offer.

I want to find out if using AR glasses is right for me. Should I talk to my doctor?

No. While doctors are skilled professionals, they likely can't help you here. Instead, take a look at how hands-free AR glasses differ from mobile AR and the unique benefits they offer. If these don’t apply, a mobile AR solution might be more appropriate and cost-effective for your needs.

Is Having Your Hands Free Important?

Benefit - AR glasses enable hands-free use, unlike mobile AR that requires one hand to hold the device and another to interact with the screen.
In practice - Maintenance technicians view digital schematics overlaid on machinery while both hands perform repairs..

Is Natural Interaction Crucial?

Benefit - AR glasses offer hand gesture and eye-guided controls, making interaction more natural compared to tapping on a mobile screen.
In practice - Surgeons intuitively navigate medical imaging using natural hand gestures without the distractions of looking at or touching a tablet screen.

Is Accurate Perception Key?

Benefit - Being surrounded by true 3D visuals in AR glasses gives you an accurate feel of distance, depth, and scale of objects and environments. With mobile, you are still looking at a single small flat screen.
In practice - Football quarterbacks using highly realistic simulations run drills to react to defensive schemes and coverages, mimicking exactly what they’ll see on Sunday, greatly improving their game-time decision-making.

Do You Value Enhanced Immersion?

Benefit - A larger field of view in AR glasses provides a more engaging experience than the restricted view on mobile AR. When wearing glasses, you are in the action. When using mobile, you are looking at a small window into the digital world the size of a notebook or deck of cards.
In practice - Situational training becomes more immersive, aiding in learning retention. Muscle memory and spatial connections are also trained.

Is Persistent Display Necessary?

Benefit - AR glasses keep the digital world in sight with no interruptions. On mobile, you need to continue to hold the device in front of you. This gets uncomfortable within a few minutes; even more so when using a tablet.
In practice - General contractors specializing in kitchen remodels can have their customers walk and explore new layout designs perfectly overlaid over their current kitchen, getting a realistic feel for the space without the nagging arm pain.

Are You Preparing for the Future of Computing?

Benefit - AR glasses are the next computing shift, while mobile AR is more of a bridge to that future.
In practice - Embracing AR glasses not only provides the most impactful AR experience, but also prepares you for the future of computing, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.

I see you building furniture and gardens, among other things, using AR in some of your projects. Can you help me build trade show booths, hands-on teaching demos, and other physical projects that incorporate AR?

Definitely. AR is transformative because it seamlessly blends digital elements into our physical world. Incorporating AR with real-world experiences is what we’re all about. We’d love to discuss how we can bring your projects to life, whether it’s trade show booths, teaching demos, or other physical projects. Please feel free to reach out so we can delve into the details.